Halogenotrimethylplatinum(IV) complexes of 2,6-bis(p-tolylthiomethyl)pyridine (L1): nuclear magnetic resonance studies of their solution state stereodynamics and the crystal structure of fac-[PtBrMe3L1]
Author(s): Abel Edward. W | Heard Peter. J | Orrell Keith. G | Hursthouse Michael. B | Mazid Mohammed. A
Type of publication: Journal paper
Abstract: Under mild conditions 2,6-bis(p-tolylthiomethyl) pyridine (L1) reacted with halogenotrimethylplatinum(IV) to afford complexes of the type fac-[PtXMe3L1](X = Cl or Br). This potentially terdentate ligand acts here in a five-membered S/N chelate bidentate fashion. Solution dynamic NMR studies revealed the presence of three fluxional processes: pyramidal inversion of the co-ordinated sulfur atom, S-S switching with correlated pyramidal inversion, and S-S switching. The mechanism for the S-S exchange process was elucidated by two-dimensional NMR exchange spectroscopy. The crystal structure of fac-[PtBrMe3L1] confirms the bidentate chelate nature of the ligand in the solid state, with a N-Pt-S(1) angle of 81.5°. IR data for the Pt-C, Pt-N and Pt-X stretching modes in these complexes are also presented.
Published URL: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/1993/dt/dt9930003795#!divAbstract
Date Published: January 1 1993
Publication title: Halogenotrimethylplatinum( iv) Complexes of 2,6-Bis(p-tolylthiomethyI)pyridine (L1): Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of their Solution State Stereodynamics and the Crystal Structure of fac-[ PtBrMe3L1] †
Publisher: Dalton Transactions
Pages: 3795-3801
Subject(s): Chemistry
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/DT9930003795
Keywords: Halogenotrimethylplatinum | NMR | pyramidal inversion | ligands
Depositing User: Victoria Rendell